Auto loading for THERMOFORMING / Tray Sealing

The product loading into a Thermoforming and Tray Sealing machine is from the upper side to the defined cavities. There is a defined loading area, in a thermoforming machine between the forming and sealing devices and in a tray sealing machine between the tray denesting and sealing units.



Loading and aligning system with robot

The product loading into a Thermoforming and Tray Sealing machine is from the upper side to the defined cavities. There is a defined loading area, in a thermoforming machine between the forming and sealing devices and in a tray sealing machine between the tray denesting and sealing units.

The products are transported with belts where the ULMA robots pick them supported by vision system or other detection system to define the correct position of the products.

Loading system with robot

The product loading system is carried out by ULMA robots. Depending on the application it could be made in a static way with ULMA U10H robot for organized products, and manipulating in tracking with ULMA D12H robot for high speed applications. The products are detected by vision systems, photocells or other kind or sensors, depending the requirements.

The gripping unit is specifically designed for each product to be manipulated.

Product unloading system with ULMA U10H robot for product aligning

The unloading of the product at the exit of the thermoforming machine is made by the ULMA U10H 2 axis robot.

This application is necessary with product that the shape avoid to use mechanical aligning system with belts.

The gripping tool is specifically designed for each product to be manipulated.